2009년 12월 11일 금요일

console info

Configure the serial terminal emulator settings

Setting Value
Bits per second [baud] 19200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control None


DB9F to DB9F

1, 6 --- 4
2 ----- 3
3 ----- 2
4 ----- 1, 6
5 ----- 5
7 ----- 8
8 ----- 7
9 open
open 9

Always-on Management

  1. ssh root@<AOM_ip_addr>
  2. Type the following command to open the hostconsh shell:
  3. Display the AOM Command Menu by typing the following key sequence:

    Esc (

    The AOM Command Menu opens.

2009년 12월 1일 화요일

[mstp]mstp설정후 장비 reboot하세요.

MSTP설정후  리붓을 해야 제대로 동작합니다.


The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) specifies that the system handles spanning tree packets in accordance with the MSTP protocol. When you create a new MSTP configuration on the BIG-IP LTM system, the new MSTP configuration name is not retained following a system reboot or after running the bigstart restart command. When this issue occurs, the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) daemon retains the correct name and the BPDU packets generated by the BIG-IP system also contain the correct name, but the MSTP configuration name is not retained in the MCP database.

F5 Networks Product Development is tracking this issue as CR90249.

[mirror not support] FastL4 & CMP Disable 일때 Mirror 지원불가

CMP disable과 FastL4기능시 Mirror기능 사용불가

장비 자체 로직때문에 않됨.


When attempting to configure connection mirroring on a virtual server that contains a Fast L4 profile and CMP is disabled, the following error message is logged to the console:

BIGpipe unknown operation error:
   01070734:3: Configuration error: Mirroring is not supported on virtual servers that have cmp disabled and are configured with a fastL4 profile <(virtual server name)>

A similar error message is reported in the /var/log/ltm file:

err mcpd[1967]: 01070734:3: Configuration error: Mirroring is not supported on virtual servers that have cmp disabled and are configured with a fastL4 profile <(virtual server name)>

This behavior is by design. Items that cause CMP to become disabled on a virtual server are not allowed to be mirrored within a Fast L4 connection.

[ramcache] 케시 오브젝트 미완료 (SOL10797)

요약하자면 이렇다.

클라이언트가 서버의 응답도중에 컨넥션을 중단해버리면 BIG-IP가  0바이트의 오브젝트를 케시하여

이로인해 웹서비스에 문제를 일으킨다.

BIG-IP버전에서 Fix되었다.

This is the result of a known issue. The BIG-IP RAM Cache may store incomplete documents if the client-side of the connection closes while a response was being forwarded from the server-side.

For example, this issue can occur if the client closes the client-side connection before the server finishes sending the response. In this case, the BIG-IP system will store a zero-byte object in the RAM Cache, which it will continue to serve until the object is replaced or the cache is flushed.

This issue may cause web pages to render incorrectly.

F5 Networks Product Development is tracking this issue as CR120557.

This issue was fixed in BIGIP-10.0.1-378.0-HF3, which has been issued for BIG-IP version 10.0.1, for the BIG-IP 10.0 software branch.